Vito De Luca über seine Trennung von Aeroplane-Co-Pilot Stephen Fasano, gelungene Pop-Musik und die Zusammenhänge zwischen Djs und Piloten.
Bis vor Kurzem noch standen zwei Menschen hinter Aeroplane. Die belgischen Electro-Künstler Stephen Fasano und Vito De Luca arbeiteten sieben Jahre lang gemeinsam. Am Ende stand das Projekt Aeroplane, doch die Musiker merkten, dass sie es nicht länger gemeinsam tragen können. Aeroplane sollte an den Problemen zwischen den beiden Künstlern aber nicht zugrunde gehen. So verabschiedetete sich Stephen Fasano. Seit zwei Monaten ist Aeroplane nur noch Vito De Luca, dessen Album „We Can’t Fly“ am 27. September erscheint. De Luca nahm sich Zeit, um über all das im Motor-Chat zu sprechen und ließ dabei einige Wortwitze über sich ergehen.
[25.08.2010 18:10:26] Vito, you’re new album is called „We Can’t Fly“. What kind of music makes you fly or swoon?
Vito: I’m a fan of the golden era of pop music when it wasn’t just pop, when it was original, innovative: Pink Floyd, Fleetwood Mac, the early electronic music, the italo disco and also the italo pop from mid 80’s. these days music is harder for me to listen at home but I find some gems sometimes !
[25.08.2010 18:13:25] so,how do you (as a pink-floyd-fan) think about that flaming-lips-cover-thing?
Vito: wow, I have to say I don’t know what you are talking about !! So disapointing
[25.08.2010 18:14:35] flaming lips are planning to cover “dark side of the moon”
Vito: oohh, I think they shouldn’t. seriously, they shouldn’t!!!
[25.08.2010 18:17:01] Two months ago Aeroplane was you AND Stephen Fasano. You decided to split for keeping Aeroplane alive. How does it feel to control Aeroplane without any co-pilot?
Vito: ahahah! did you write down all the plane jokes :)? It feels free. as free as Stephen probably feels, too. we were too busy to keep being a band especially because we were kind of working on separate things in the end. I was making the music and Stephen the rest, we both agreed that it’s not how is should work.
[25.08.2010 18:21:22] Is the sky something like an inspiration to you?
Vito: the sky I love, the clouds especially, that moment when you take off, when all you can see are clouds, below and above: a total unreal world.
[25.08.2010 18:22:40] Do you see some coherences between being a pilot and being a musician?
Vito: wow! a musician doesn’t have 300 lifes in his hands :), he has WAY MORE ! but I guess messing around with knobs is the main common thing.
[25.08.2010 18:24:44] i think especially as somebody who does electronic music, you can control, if and how people dance and manage their nights in a way.
Vito: that’s what I mean
[25.08.2010 18:25:44] Is it more fun to remix or to create your own sounds?
Vito: well, I prefer the freedom of creating from scratch. it’s more fun, but harder, and more scrary, which is the reason why when I do remixes I basically redo the entire song from scratch.
[25.08.2010 18:27:34] Lately you did lots of remixes. Is there any artist, you would never do a remix for?
Vito: no, I don’t consider it that way. it’s about the music first except for personal fights :). but untill today, no. I could remixes anybody as long as I feel I can do something.
[25.08.2010 18:28:34] The opposite: Which artists are on your wishlist?
Vito: well none. all the artists I adore, I don’t want to remix them and I don’t want to see them remixed. like Pink Floyd and the Flaming Lips :). a song you are used to, and you love, you don’t wanna change it.
[25.08.2010 18:29:55] Let’s do a little either … or …-game! Aerosmith or Jefferson Airplane?
Vito: Aerosmith for Walk this Way. I could have said Jefferson Airplane for Somebody To Love. what is bigger ? can’t choose!
[25.08.2010 18:33:30] Business- or Economy-class?
Vito: Business. flying is hard, way too hard. not even business, FIRST!
[25.08.2010 18:35:54] Flight controller or pilot?
Vito: Pilot, definitely! I take the risks :)
[25.08.2010 18:36:42] Berlin or London?
Vito: London :), just been to Berlin couple of times and I just prefer London :) dont’ really know why
[25.08.2010 18:39:14] although you have that big techno-scene in berlin?
Vito: I’m not a techno person :)
[25.08.2010 18:40:28] okay then my next and last question could be interesting:
Cockpit or mosh pit?
Vito: Cockpit !:) I’m a lonely person, an only child. I’m not comfortable when there is too many people
Fragen: David Rätsch
Chat: Lydia Meyer
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