Da Brendon Benson kurzzeitig keine Zeit fand, persönlich meine Interview-Fragen zu beantworten, entschied ich, auf das Angebot der Promo-Agentur zurück zu greifen und führte ein eMail-Interview durch. Und eigentlich bin ich froh darüber, ich befürchte nämlich, hätte ich neben ihm gesessen, hätte er entweder nichts gesagt und ich den Raum verlassen. Darum: Vielen Dank, Herr Benson für die ausführlichen anekdotenreichen Antworten (Achtung: Ironie!)
motor.de: Between „The Alternative to Love“ and the new Album „My Old, Familiar Friend“ there is a four year period. Are you happy to work now a little bit more on your solo-career?
Benson: Yes. It’s been a long time coming.
motor.de: Do you always try to reflect life-situations by writing and producing songs?
Benson: Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction, but I don’t follow any steadfast rules. I take “poetic license” sometimes.
motor.de: Is there a difference between „My Old Familiar Friend“ to the earliest records you made?
Benson: Yes. MOFF was made with Gil Norton who is, as you know, a very successful producer. I’ve usually worked on records by myself. I didn’t want to do that for this one. I wanted to make a “bigger record”. (Tja, das hat wohl mit „MOFF“ nicht so gut geklappt)
motor.de: Which is your favourite Song on your new disk?
Benson: I like Lesson Learned. It’s the underdog on the record, I think.
motor.de: What inspires you the most?
Benson: Too much to list. music, people, food, guitars, my garden…etc.
motor.de: Would you say it’s hard to put all things together – Album, Tour, The Raconteurs, producing and the life with friends?
Benson: Yeah sometimes, but I enjoy staying busy. I’m a bit of a workaholic.
motor.de: How did you met your friend Jack White?
Benson: Google it. It’s all over the internet.
motor.de: Which bands did you grow up with?
Bensons: My parents were very young when I was born and still very much into music. My dad had a huge record collection which included T Rex, Nazz, Stooges, MC5, Cream, Bowie, Roxy Music, and the list goes on. Those records became the soundtrack to my childhood.
motor.de: What’s your biggest wish for 2009?
Benson: To make a killer album. (NOT!)
Es gibt nun mal solche Künstler, die offen und nett sind, vielleicht auch tiefgründige Statements liefern, oder eben diese, wie Brendan Benson.
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